dOrOthy aNd mE,,
My Friends
tHis is my fwEnds, wE hAvE a grOup caLLed KiLLy-keLLy baLLs..vEry fUnNy NamE rigHt..Me aNd dEnisE is OnLy a NewbiE iN thE sAid grOup,bEfOre wE jOin thE grOup dEnisE aNd I is aLrEady friEnds siNcE whEn wE ArE iN's tOo LoNg fwEndsHip thEy sAid..iN aLL dEnisE is thE OnLy oNe whO hAvE a bOyfwEnd ActUaLLy shE is a pLaygUrL..whiLe sNowgaLe is thE whO cAn't Live with hEr mAke-ups EvEn thOugh Our tEachEr is gEttiNg aNgry tO hEr shE is pUttiNg mAke-Up thAt is vEry fUnNy mEmOriEs...hahahaha.Dorothy is thE oNe whO is kiLLjOy bEcAusE whEn thErE arE timEs thAt wE are LaUghiNg shE is nOt..AyANa is LikE thE mOthEr Of Us bEc. shE is giviNg As a LeSsOn iN arE bAd triaLs aNd sOmetimEs shE aCt LikE a chiLd..thAt's aLL i cAn sAid..tNx fOr rEadiNg..
My Friends
tHis is my fwEnds, wE hAvE a grOup caLLed KiLLy-keLLy baLLs..vEry fUnNy NamE rigHt..Me aNd dEnisE is OnLy a NewbiE iN thE sAid grOup,bEfOre wE jOin thE grOup dEnisE aNd I is aLrEady friEnds siNcE whEn wE ArE iN's tOo LoNg fwEndsHip thEy sAid..iN aLL dEnisE is thE OnLy oNe whO hAvE a bOyfwEnd ActUaLLy shE is a pLaygUrL..whiLe sNowgaLe is thE whO cAn't Live with hEr mAke-ups EvEn thOugh Our tEachEr is gEttiNg aNgry tO hEr shE is pUttiNg mAke-Up thAt is vEry fUnNy mEmOriEs...hahahaha.Dorothy is thE oNe whO is kiLLjOy bEcAusE whEn thErE arE timEs thAt wE are LaUghiNg shE is nOt..AyANa is LikE thE mOthEr Of Us bEc. shE is giviNg As a LeSsOn iN arE bAd triaLs aNd sOmetimEs shE aCt LikE a chiLd..thAt's aLL i cAn sAid..tNx fOr rEadiNg..
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